Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we give preference to Starline tents when so many brands are available in the market?

Where will I find product specifications such as size, color, packing dimensions, and other technical specifications?

Will these tents survive the harsh climate conditions?

What are the dimensions of various tents during display and what are the packing dimensions?

What is the method to pack a tent and store?

How the prices of various products with options are available are determined?

Art And Printing

Where can I get Design templates in case our design team needs to send designs?

Do you offer design support?

What is the printing technique used for making these tents attractive?

What type of colors are used for printing?

Will my tent look exactly the same as in the website?

Orders, Returns and Damage

Are order cancellations possible?

What to do in case of damage?

How to proceed to be eligible for damage claim?

What are the order delivery times?

What are the modes of payment for orders placement?

What exactly is turnaround time and how it is calculated?

Installation And Setup

How quickly these tents can be setup?

Can we join two or more tents to make a bigger one?

Is it possible to keep the side walls open for ventilation of tent?

Is it essential to make some preliminary preparations such as making foundations to install these tents?

Are these packages airline friendly?

Warranty and Repair

Do starline tent products come with warranty?

Whom should I communicate to in case of repair or replacement?

Shipping and Transportation

Shipping and Transportation